Permitting Services
Flip the property. Take it down. Break ground. No matter the objective, you need the right permits in hand to make your development project a success.
As a developer working in different regions, cities, and markets, you understand the need to know the permitting processes and quirks of each local market. Learning these nuances, however, takes time, which is hard to come by in the development world. Understanding critical paths and identifying hurdles, such as design and impacts fees, before they’re problematic is also important—and again takes time.
How do you make time when permitting timelines can vary based on your market and the availability of municipal review staff? Not to mention the ever-changing municipal development codes and amendments that put more constraint on your development’s deadline. The solution: find a partner with local connections, national resources, and experience playing the permitting game.
Thorough Support
Kimley-Horn’s land development professionals are known for the quality of our preliminary plans and the thoroughness of our supporting documentation. Upfront due diligence pushes us to realize potential problems at the beginning of a project, avoiding “fire drills” and detrimental challenges to your projects.
We’ve developed relationships in most markets and are able to partner with local offices; our high-level of services includes spearheading meetings and conversations with agencies to understand processes and concerns and relate them back to you. Because we constantly strive to build relationships with local agencies, clients count on us to facilitate faster permitting—and they return to us for the same reason.