Community Master Planning
Your community has its own special history, geography, people, and challenges. Your master plan should reflect that individuality.
Visionary and Viable
From priority neighborhoods and downtown districts to aging commercial areas in need of revitalization, the best master plans are both visionary and viable. They move people to action and provide clear implementation steps to start the process. Balancing the unique needs of local stakeholders and residents, master plans leverage a community’s current strengths and rich history while enhancing sense of place and quality of life for the future.
While many community planning efforts follow similar processes, we do not believe in cookie-cutter approaches. We view public engagement as an integral part of the planning, implementation, and community-building process, and we work alongside community members to craft customized solutions to local challenges.
Interdisciplinary in Nature
Kimley-Horn’s master plans are interdisciplinary in nature. We have a keen understanding of the interrelationships between urban design, land use, transportation, economic development, and placemaking. We are prepared to facilitate a community’s vision, conceptualize short- and long-term improvement strategies, and begin implementation by revising appropriate policies, codes, and ordinances. The ultimate mission of our highly-qualified professionals is to capture the spirit and aspirations of your community through a tailored, realistic, and creative master plan.