St. Petersburg Complete Streets Implementation Plan
The City of St. Petersburg adopted a Complete Streets Policy in 2015 to encourage streets that are safe and convenient for all users of the roadway, including walkers, bicyclists, motorists, persons with disabilities, users and operators of public transit, seniors, children, and movers of commercial goods. Kimley-Horn developed a Complete Streets Implementation Plan that describes a set of procedures for prioritizing and implementing complete streets through a variety of methods.
The plan will establish the project delivery process modifications needed to improve the evaluation, planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance phases of all roadway development and redevelopment projects. It will also document existing conditions and barriers; identify corridors and districts that are prime for complete streets improvements; establish a network of low-stress bicycle routes; and identify additional facilities needed to make walking, bicycling, and transit safe and comfortable choices.
Project Goals
- Enhanced safety
- Social equity
- Improved public health
- High quality of life
- Mobility options between neighborhoods, employment, and services
- Economic development
- Community sustainability
- Creation of quality places (place-making and vibrant corridors, comfortable access for a variety of users, transportation compatibility with community context, network integration
Key Design Components
- Complete streets elements
- On-street parking
- Green bike lanes
- Accessibility improvements
- New landscaping
- Roundabouts
- Bioswales