Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan

Kimley-Horn completed a statewide self-evaluation and Transition Plan of ODOT’s services, programs, and activities to ensure all are accessible to persons with disabilities.
Facilities evaluated as part of the self-evaluation included signalized intersections, sidewalks and curb ramps, weigh stations, rest stops, tourism information centers, and public buildings and their associated parking areas. Kimley-Horn managed, scheduled, and participated in the data collection for all signalized intersections and sidewalk corridors within a 1-mile buffer of all cities and towns in the state of Oklahoma (approximately 1,100 signalized intersections, 5,000 unsignalized intersections, and 670 miles of sidewalk). All field data was collected in real-time using a GPS-based software and tablet interface developed in-house by Kimley-Horn staff.
As part of this project, ADA field assessments were completed for sidewalks and signalized intersections in the following cities:
- Oklahoma City
- Tulsa
- Norman
- Broken Arrow
- Lawton
- Edmond
- Moore
- Midwest City
- Enid
- Stillwater
- Muskogee
- Bartlesville
- Shawnee
- Owasso
- Ponca City
The team then provided accessibility training for ODOT Division ADA coordinator liaisons, division engineers, and field inspection staff as well as developed field application operation manuals and data collection guidelines.
Once the evaluation and data collection phase was complete, Kimley-Horn established evaluation criteria and procedures to prioritize and implement proposed ADA improvement, then aided in the development of cost estimate reports for all project intersections and sidewalk corridors. The final Transition Plan was approved in 2014.
In Phase 2, the Kimley-Horn team completed the statewide Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan, including all ODOT programs, services, activities, and facilities.
Facilities evaluated included:
- 30 rest stops and associated parking and amenities
- 12 tourism information centers and associated parking and amenities
- 1,108 signalized intersections (including 3,295 curb ramps)
- 584 miles of sidewalk including 6,037 unsignalized intersections
- 9,045 curb ramps
- 11 weigh stations
- 140 public buildings and their associated parking
Once the field evaluations were complete, the team established criteria and procedures to prioritize proposed ADA improvements, developing cost estimates to remediate all identified compliance issues. The compliance, priority, and cost estimates were summarized in a report for each facility.
Additionally, Kimley-Horn provided accessibility training for ODOT division ADA liaisons, division engineers, and field inspection staff. The trainings covered design criteria included in the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design and the 2011 Proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way (PROWAG) as well as programmatic access including etiquette, technologies, and procedures that could assist ODOT staff in providing services to people with disabilities. The final Transition Plan was completed in 2016.