Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP) Landside General Engineering Consulting

For decades, the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP) has been a highly-valued asset for the State of Minnesota, providing critical transportation options for Minnesota residents and visitors alike. Since 2005, Kimley-Horn has served the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) as its on-call engineering consultant for all landside development projects at MSP.
We have provided transportation-related studies, planning documents, preliminary design, final plans and specifications, and construction phase services. Some notable projects include:
Terminal 1-Lindbergh Parking Expansion Program
Kimley-Horn is leading the planning and final design of the 5,000-space parking expansion at Terminal 1-Lindbergh. The expansion includes significant enabling projects that will modify landside and airside facilities, in-bound and out-bound roadways, and utilities to prepare for the parking ramp’s construction. The existing rental car facility at Terminal 1-Lindbergh will be moved to the new parking ramp, allowing for short and long term expansion of rental car operations.
Terminal 2-Humphrey RAC Expansion
The Terminal 2-Humphrey RAC Expansion consisted of three unique projects: the customer service building, the ready return, and the quick turnaround facility. This $33 million expansion doubled the rental space for the rent-a-car (RAC) agencies and added a fueling and car wash facility to the Terminal 2-Humphrey campus. Kimley-Horn served as the overall design coordinator for MAC, working on a fast-tracked schedule that allowed only six months for design of all facility improvements. Kimley-Horn provided site civil design, structural design, pavement design, landscaping, sewer design, and construction administration services. Kimley-Horn facilitated collaboration with RAC industry representatives by engaging in frequent meetings with the industry to review design and construction progress. This collaboration was key to getting RAC input on the design process, allowing the design to be successfully fast-tracked.
I-494/34th Avenue South Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI)
Kimley-Horn led the design and construction support for this project completed by MAC, the City of Bloomington, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT). The project was completed after Kimley-Horn finished a study that recommended roadway improvements as a part of the MSP 2020 Environmental Assessment (EA). The interchange at 34th Avenue South/I-494 was modified to a DDI configuration to reduce the number of potential conflict points and increase capacity within the interchange. This was one of the first DDIs in Minnesota and the first in the U.S. to include Light Rail Transit (LRT). The project involved extensive coordination and collaboration with Metro Transit. Construction was completed in one season, incorporating five phases, with unique traffic control plans designed for each phase. The project also included significant public outreach to communicate LRT shutdowns.
Annual Parking Structure Rehabilitation Program
Kimley-Horn assisted MAC with developing a list of modifications and repairs to include an annual multiple parking structure rehabilitation project on the airport campus. Project elements include structural, electrical, mechanical, architectural, and operational elements. Services provided include the review of replacing expansion joints, structural repairs, column reinforcement, crack grouting and sealing, joint sealant replacement, concrete overlays, concrete sealing and coatings, door and drain replacements, and lighting and signing improvements.