Las Vegas Boulevard Bollard Installation

Kimley-Horn assisted Clark County Public Works in the design of high-security pedestrian protection bollards along Las Vegas Boulevard. Pedestrian safety from vehicle intrusions is greatly improved from the “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign to Sahara Avenue. The design of this project included over 5,600 crash-rated bollards, 640 linear feet of crash-rated post and cable protection, and 1,635 linear feet of concrete crash wall, providing over eight total miles of pedestrian protection on this corridor.
Kimley-Horn was responsible for the horizontal design of each bollard, post and rail system, and crash wall throughout the corridor. Additional focus was placed on the location and relocation of underground utilities due to the spacing constraints of the bollards and utility offset requirements.
A significant portion of the project also included roadway widening and reconstruction; curb, gutter, and sidewalk design; storm drainage improvements; pavement design; ADA/PROWAG accessibility; signing/striping; transit stop design; and the design of nine traffic signals.
Additional tasks included right-of-way design, relocating or extending existing utilities and infrastructure, and subsurface utility engineering. A key component of the design was the coordination of the roadway design with the reconstruction of the complete water main and water services replacement along the length of this project.