Hillsborough Street Renewal Project

On Saturday, August 25, 2018, the City of Raleigh inaugurated the completion of the Hillsborough Street Renewal Project with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Mayor Nancy McFarlane was the featured speaker for the ceremony and was joined by NC State Chancellor Randy Woodson, City Council Member Kay Crowder, and members of the Hillsborough Street Community Service Corporation.
Hillsborough Street not only is at the heart of NC State University, but also acts as a central avenue for local businesses, City commuters, and Raleigh visitors. The Hillsborough Street Renewal Project revitalized this iconic street—making it a more desirable and safer place to work, shop, dine, and live—and enhances opportunities for cultural events, social gatherings, and business development along the corridor.
The City chose Kimley-Horn as lead design consultant for Phases 1 and 2 of the Hillsborough Street Renewal Project. The two phases of the project included reconstructing the existing roadway between Stanhope Avenue and Oberlin Road, extending Pullen Road from Hillsborough Street north to Oberlin Road, and adding a total of five roundabouts to replace vehicular traffic signals on Hillsborough Street and Pullen Road.
The purpose of the project was to transform this major thoroughfare from a congested three-lane street to a safer two-lane divided avenue with wide sidewalks and bike lanes—creating a more pedestrian and bike-friendly environment, enhancing motorist safety, and supporting revitalization efforts. The project incorporated several streetscape elements including pedestrian and transit amenities, relocated overhead distribution utilities underground, upgraded stormwater facilities, replaced aging water and sanitary sewer infrastructure, and installed vehicular and pedestrian LED street lights throughout the corridor.
Creating and maintaining an open dialogue with community members throughout the project was imperative. Kimley-Horn and the City engaged with project stakeholders throughout the life of the project, including individual property owners, NC State University, and the Hillsborough Street Community Service Corporation. The project also included a comprehensive public involvement plan—providing streetscape renderings, newsletters, handouts, project fact sheets, placards, media packets, presentations at public and City Council meetings, social media, and a project website.
The City has already seen more than $308 million in direct investment inside the Hillsborough Street municipal service district, more than $1.2 billion in investments in the greater Hillsborough Street area, and more than 77 development projects in the greater Hillsborough Street area since 2009.
For more information on this project, visit hillsboroughst.raleighnc.gov.