Dulles Corridor Metrorail

Kimley-Horn has been providing owner program management support services since 2008 to the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) for the extension of the Orange Line Metrorail.
Known as the Silver Line, this is a 23-mile heavy rail extension of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) system through Tysons Corner, VA to Dulles Airport and Loudoun County. The project includes two phases:
- Phase 1 stretches from just west of the Orange line East Falls Church Station to the Wiehle-Reston East Station in Reston, VA, and commenced revenue operations in July 2014.
- The line, track, systems, and stations Design-Build contract (Package A) for Phase 2 was issued in 2012, which will run from the Wiehle-Reston East Station in Reston, VA, through Dulles Airport to the Route 772 Station in Loudoun County. Additional contracts include Package B for the rail service and inspection yard.
Kimley-Horn’s services have included:
- Performed design reviews of both the preliminary engineering and final design station, structural (parking garages), track, rail yard, and civil design plans (grading and drainage, roadway, station site, utility, and property ID plans).
- Managed the completion of the permit management plan that outlines what permits need to be acquired and what entity will acquire them.
- Managed the production of the environmental assessment including responding to public and agency comments and extensive coordination with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
- Assisted MWAA in establishing agreements with each agency and county regarding design impacts. Our staff is responsible for presenting design plans to the necessary entities and gaining approvals to fund the project for design and construction.
- Coordinated with property owners and assisted in negotiations with adjacent property owners during Phase 1.
- Helped create notices of availability and advertisements for the public hearing to present the environmental assessment. After staffing the public hearing, preparing the graphics, and responding to public comments, Kimley-Horn staff wrote the public hearing and responded to agency and stakeholder comments.