Everything You Need to Know About California’s 6th Cycle Housing Element Update

A Downloadable Guide of Legislation Impacting Your Jurisdiction

According to a recent survey sponsored by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, 83 percent of voters in the five Bay Area counties believe the cost of housing is a serious problem. Yet attitudes diverge when asked about the rate of development in their communities. With a significant amount of new statutory requirements, the 6th Cycle Housing Element Update is going to be different. Download our useful guide on Legislative Considerations for Housing Element Updates to learn how these recent regulatory updates impact your jurisdiction.

The Kimley-Horn Approach to Housing Elements

Our approach is grounded in working collaboratively with our clients to identify housing policies and strategies that are equitable, creative, and solution-oriented. We carefully consider each community’s unique values to craft compliant Housing Elements that are sensitive to its context and long-term vision. Selecting the most appropriate and equitable community engagement tools to meaningfully involve the community—particularly in light of current social distancing requirements—while keeping timely and effective communication with our clients and HCD staff are just some of the benefits of working with Kimley-Horn.



Our GIS-based Housing Element Needs Assessment is designed to rapidly analyze alternative land use scenarios.


We prepare a Community Engagement Plan early in the process that is tailored to your needs and community values, and is adaptive to social distancing requirements. Kimley-Horn’s team of community engagement specialists use innovative and cost-effective digital engagement platforms to maximize community participation and manage work products/processes that are fully accessible to you.


We use objectives-based standards and methods to ensure compliance with state law requirements. Our in-house technical experts identify suitable housing sites and prepare a legally-defensible CEQA document (e.g., GIS, air quality, GHG emissions, noise, and transportation).


Over the past 30 years, Kimley-Horn has been involved in preparing more than 50 Housing Elements for cities and counties throughout California, including the current preparation/completion of 6th Cycle Housing Elements. We are specialists in the Housing Element certification process and leverage this experience to ensure your statutorily-mandated Housing Element is completed on-time and within budget. Click on the images below to view our past Housing Element work.

City of Scotts Valley Housing Element

Del Mar
Housing Element

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Our Housing Element Experts

We have considerable experience in preparing Housing Elements and are supported by a highly integrated team that offers not only a depth of Housing Element knowledge and technical expertise but demonstrated leadership in helping local agencies navigate state housing law requirements and coordination with HCD.

Bill Wiseman

Bill Wiseman

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Find out how the California Housing Elements legislation applies in your jurisdiction.


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