
Mpact is a national non-profit network of transit leaders, experts, and professionals committed to meeting the needs of communities. For many years, Kimley-Horn has been part of the National Steering Committee, which guides the organization’s programs and initiatives. Mpact’s programs, including the annual conference, emphasize the importance of more livable, equitable, and sustainable communities through major transit investments.

2024 Mpact Transit + Community


Ashley Lickliter, PE


BRT B-Side: Agencies Getting in Tune with Street Owners and Operators

October 22, 2024 | 10:30am-12:00pm

Transit agencies develop bus rapid transit (BRT) projects on streets owned or administered by the city, the county or the state. Inroads must always be made – to understand and find solutions amidst competing interests and possibly different outcomes desired. Together, let’s take a look at tensions and tradeoffs in BRT project design and the varying perspectives of street owners and operators. How can we be better partners at the BRT table? What should be “in” and “out” of a BRT project? How can negotiating be a platform for agreement from all parties about what to expect from BRT?

Adriano Rothschild


Tales from Two Cities: Empowering Communities with Resources to Achieve ETOD

October 22, 2024 | 4:00-5:00pm

Actually delivering equitable transit-oriented development (ETOD) takes intentionality. Let’s see what that means by looking at the specifics of programs in two cities. In one, a new grant program focused on partnerships with local cities and community-based organizations (CBOs) includes several features: updating city policies to implement ETODs, bolstering CBO capacity to take on affordable housing development, addressing barriers that have limited equitable engagement and improving the public realm around transit. In the other city, a new grant program targets pre-development costs. It pairs these funds with technical assistance for developers of color working on projects in historically disinvested neighborhoods. Listen to these experiences and take home lessons about how to change the story of ETOD in your community.

Mary Morookian

Mary Kate Morookian


Yay! Microtransit! (… but what if they hate it?)

October 23, 2024 | 8:30-10:00am

How do agencies with limited funding connect people with low incomes – and limited access to a car – to jobs and services when operating in areas with topographic challenges and low densities? Let’s explore a few places making it happen! Hear about workforce transportation in a rural community, on-demand service to outlying employment centers and ways to maximize a limited system for maximum rides. Key take-aways: developing service that meets needs without cannibalizing the current transit system, providing a service with decent wait times without breaking the bank, growing ridership with a limited budget and – perhaps most notably – what to do when people don’t want it.

Mary Kate Morookian

Mary Kate Morookian


Data Traveler: Worldwide Lessons in Expanding Transit

November 8, 2023 | 9:00-9:45am MT

The transportation system is the nervous system of a city. To understand how it works, we need to understand the data it’s giving us – across multiple modes – and then adapt and develop our transit systems to provide what our cities need. Learn from national and international examples and data that demonstrates our changing needs, patterns, habits and what it all means for the planning and development of transit in our cities. Are you interested in using data to develop strategies for building cities and master planning, changing policies and investing more strategically in transit systems? Don’t miss out!


Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Moderators

Mary Kate Morookian
Data Traveler: Worldwide Lessons in Expanding Transit
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Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Moderators

Eric Bosman, AICP
The Changing Landscape of BRT
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Melissa DuMond, AICP
Better Engagement = Better Outcomes
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Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Moderators

Melissa DuMond, AICP
Negotiating with Freight Railroads: Leading with Service Planning
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Beth Bartz, AICP
Reflections Toward a Path of Equitable Transit
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