Kimley-Horn LeadershipITE Graduates
Built by transportation professionals for transportation professionals, the LeadershipITE program grows and empowers leaders within the transportation industry so that they are well prepared for greater roles within their professional capacities. Since its inception in 2014, LeadershipITE has been identifying, developing, and engaging leaders in the transportation industry who are positioned to shape the future of transportation. Kimley-Horn is proud of our LeadershipITE graduates who have completed this rigorous program.
Morgan Nelson, PE, PTOE
David Samba, PE, PTOE, PTP, RSP1
Sowmya Chandrasekhar, PE, TE, PTOE
Terrance Q. Hill, PE, TSI
Wendy Krehbiel
Lindsay Saner
Erin Eurek, PE
Devin Moore, PE, PTOE RSP2
Clark Bailey, PE, PTOE
Tracy Lehman, PE, PTOE, RSP2I
Brian Shamburger, PE, PTOE
Sean Coleman, PE, PTOE
- July 27-31, 2024 | Calgary, Canada
ITE 2023 Annual Meeting
Cruising the Career Highway: Navigating the Transportation Industry as a Young Professional
July 22, 2024 | 11:15am-12:45pm
This panel session seeks to enhance awareness of the pivotal role young professionals play in the transportation industry, emphasizing their significant contributions to project budgeting and scheduling through hands-on involvement in design and analysis. Addressing the challenges encountered by entry- and mid-level young professionals, the discussion will center on crucial aspects of career progression, including decision-making for project deliverables, effective communication, and career transitions. This session will also focus on the importance of mentorship and work-life balance.
Young Professional's Career Survival Guide
August 14, 2023 | 1:30-3:00pm
Meet and mingle with other transportation professionals including a number of our current ITE leadership and other young members at this career guidance networking event. Whether you have questions on how to deal with the challenges of being a young professional in today’s workplace or are just looking to connect with other transportation professionals, this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss. There will be small group guided conversations, games, and most importantly–fun.
ITE 2024 Annual Meeting
Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Moderators
Morgan Nelson, PTOE
Cruising the Career Highway: Navigating the Transportation Industry as a Young Professional
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Matthew Smith, PE
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission CAV Roadmap Implementation
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David Samba, PE, PTOE, PTP, RSP1
Taking a Vision of Zero and Working Toward Reality, One Project at a Time
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Tyler Beduhn, PE
Connecting the Steel City: A Citywide Strategic Plan for ITS in Pittsburgh, PA
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Ashley Lickliter, PE
Revolutionizing Multimodal Safety and Accessibility with Comprehensive Citywide Signal Retiming
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ITE 2023 Annual Meeting
Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Moderators
Matt Smith, PE
Connected Vehicle Data Applications Showcase
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Brent Ogden, PE, PTOE
Joint Annual Inspections Saves Lives: Case Studies from the Midwest
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Lance Ballard, PE
A New Approach to Event Operations to Improve Safety and Mobility
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Clark Bailey, PE, PTOE
How Not to Implement a BTR – A Transit Success Story in Birmingham
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Michael Schmitt, AICP, CPT, PTP, RSP1
Regional VMT Mitigation Solutions
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Devin Moore, PE, PTOE, RSP1, RSP2
The Las Vegas Perfect Storm Scenario
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Raj Paradkar, PE, PTOE & Patrick Johnson
Performance Monitoring and Real-Time Decision Support Tools to Reduce Congestion Along Interstates During Construction
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Ravi Wijesundera, PE,
Evaluation of Lane Repurposing Projects
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Rachel Hensler, EIT
How Much Data is Needed to Predict Congestion
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Jeff Whitacre
User Behaviors at Protected Intersections
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Morgan Nelson, PE, PTOE
Young Professional’s Career Survival Guide
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ITE 2022 Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Moderators
Raj Paradkar, PE, PTOE & David Samba, PE, PTOE, PTP
Managing COVID-19 Transportation System Impacts
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Clark Bailey, PE, PTOE
Completing the Entire Street: Accessibility for Different Users
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Lance Ballard, PE, IMSA
Data Driven TSMO Decision-Making and Evaluation
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Raj Paradkar, PE, PTOE & John Li, PE, PTOE
Using Artificial Intelligence and computer vision for field data validation and to improve reliability in congested urban corridors
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Tracy Lehman, PE, PTOE, RSP21
Creating Healthy, Smart, Multimodal Communities through Transportation
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Matthew Smith, PE
Designing for Connected and Automated Vehicles
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Brent Ogden, PE, TE, PTOE
Improving Safety at Railroad Grade Crossings through Technology
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ITE 2021 Annual Meeting
Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Moderators
Dhruva Lahon, PE, PTOE
Systematic Improvements in Local Jurisdictions: Performance-Based Analysis for Safety Plan and HSIP Project Prioritization
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Brent Ogden, PE, TE, PTOE
Emerging Practices and Technology for Railroad Grade Crossings
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Ravindra Wijesundera, PE, RSP1
Complete Corridors: Lessons Learned from Planning and Implementation of Lane Repurposing Projects
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Clark Bailey, PE, PTOE
Practical Urbanism – Leveraging Private Interests for Complete Streets
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David Craft, PE, PTOE
Improving Pedestrian Safety by Managing Urban Speeds throughout Traffic Signal Operations
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Devin Moore, PE, PTOE, RSP2
60,000 People, 12,800 Vehicles – Event Trip Generation in Las Vegas
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Raj Paradkar, PE, PTOE & Kavita Chapuri, PE
Traffic Analysis, Modeling and Simulation Cornucopia: Core Competencies, Incorporating New Data Sources, Analyzing Emerging Technology
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Tom McCullough, PE
Using Technology to Imrpve Safety in the Eye of the Storm
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Raj Paradkar, PE, PTOE & Kavita Chapuri, PE
Using Part-time Shoulder Lanes as Managed Lanes to Improve Reliability in Congested Urban Corridors
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Lance Ballard, PE TSMO Performance Management Using Cutting Edge CAV Techniques: Holistic Arterial Performance Analysis s
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ITE 2020 Annual Meeting
Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Moderators
Jay VonAhsen
Multilane Mythbusting for Roundabout Mavericks
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Lance Ballard, PE
Innovative Signal Timing and Signal Data Strategies: Super Bowl LIII Traffic Operations and the Power of Preemption
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Brent Ogden, CE, PTOE
Improving Safety at Rail Grade Crossings
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Tracy Shandor, PE, PTOE, RSP2I
Moderator: Transportation and Health Planning: Community-Wide and Around the World!
Poster Presenter: Where Do I Park This Truck? A Data-Driven Approach to Identifying Suitable Areas for Truck Parking
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Stacie Phillips
Innovations in Creating Multimodal Corridors
21st Century Raleigh: Successful Multimodal Integration in an 18th Century Framework
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Ashley Lickliter, PE
Poster Presenter: Richmond’s Approach to Achieving Vision Zero: Signal Timing on Steroids
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Lindsay Saner, PE, PTOE, RSP
Panelist: What’s New in Trip Generation
School Trip Generation in Southern Nevada
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Alan Toppen, PE
Panelist: Big Data Applications for Safety and Operations
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Raj Paradkar, PE
Panelist: Big Data Applications for Safety and Operations
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Kavita Chapuri, PE
Panelist: Big Data Applications for Safety and Operations
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ITE 2019 Annual Meeting
Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Moderators
Tyler Beduhn, PE
Speaker: Smart Communities/Big Data/Connected & Automated Vehicles/Mobility as a Service
Speaker: Complete Streets Boulevards
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David Halloin, PE, PTOE
Speaker: Creative Management of Data Driven Work Zones
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Tom Hartmann, PE, PTOE
Speaker: Traffic Engineering/TSMO/Speed Management/Workforce
Speaker: Creative Management of Data Driven Work Zones
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Kent Kacir, PE
Speaker: Smart Communities/Big Data/Connected & Automated Vehicles/Mobility as a Service
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Dhruva Lahon, PE, PTOE
Speaker: Traffic Engineering / TSMO / Speed Management / Workforce
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Ashley Lickliter, PE
Speaker: Complete Streets / Vision Zero / Transportation and Health
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Devin Moore, PE, PTOE, RSP2
Speaker: Traffic Engineering / TSMO / Speed Management / Workforce
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Raj Paradkar, PE
Speaker: Best Practices in Speed Management
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Brent Ogden, PE, PTOE
Speaker: Railroad Grade Crossings, Safe as They Can Be?
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Lucy Richardson, PE
Speaker: Effective Transportation Systems Management and Operations Using Big Data
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Jay VonAhsen, PE
Speaker: Cheaper by the Dozen – Practical Low Cost Roundabouts
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ITE 2018 Annual Meeting
Kimley-Horn Speakers, Presenters, and Moderators
Sean Coleman, PE, PTOE
Speaker: You Can Plan for It, But…Lessons Learned from Disaster Response & Event Management
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Brent Ogden, PE, TE, PTOE
Facilitator: Implementing Best Practices to Provide Safe Integration of Rail Transport
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JoNette Kuhnau, PE, PTOE
Poster Presenter: Complete Streets/Vision Zero
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Raj Paradkar, PE
Speaker: Planning for Connected and Automated Vehicles
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Tracy Shandor, PE, PTOE, RSP2I
Speaker: Leading in Time of Change
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