Black Forest Ventures Galaxy Fixed-Base Operator
Black Forest Ventures (BFV) selected Kimley-Horn as its civil engineering consultant to design, permit, and administer construction phase services for its Galaxy Fixed-Base Operator (FBO) at the Conroe-North Houston Airport in Conroe, Texas.
Selection for this project was based on our team’s extremely successful completion of Phase I. The overall project consisted of a combination of offices, hangars, and FBO with associated drive aisles, parking, aprons, taxilanes, and site utilities. Phases I and II combined consisted of a 30,000 square foot, three-story office and FBO building area as well as four separate hangars, totaling approximately 200,000 square feet. The overall associated site work was approximately 28 acres.
Kimley-Horn was responsible for guiding the site plan through the City and County approval processes, then developing construction drawings in phases. We were also responsible for coordinating design review with the City, BFV staff, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and Montgomery County.
During the design of Phase I, we kept an eye on the future and designed with expansion in mind. The “future” arrived much faster than originally anticipated, and Phase II was designed less than two years after the completion of Phase I. A unique feature of this facility is the aircraft canopy on the airside, which maximizes customer comfort.